
Showing posts from November, 2021

How Vcs Work - Part 1

 In the past few posts we've looked at various techieflake from an entrepreneur's perspective. In this and the next few posts, we'll take a look at how the people on the other side of the table, namely the venture capitalists work. It is important to get a perspective of how the other side thinks and works if you want to build a mutually beneficial relationship. It is important to recognize that the entrepreneur and the VC are on the same team and have a congruence of goals - namely the building of a successful company. All the happens before investment. As in all partnerships, if the relationship between the VC and the entrepreneur is viewed with suspicion and in an antagonistic manner, the VC-entrepreneur bizblogpost board-room will kill the company. Having said that, let us know take a peek behind the curtains at how VC firms operate. In this post, let us get an understanding of the overall VC situation. VC firms collect money from investors and then invest observingblo...

How to Get Your Business Funded in 2018

 Contrary to popular belief, business plans do not digitalmedianew . True, there are many kinds of financing options that require a business plan, but nobody invests in a business plan. Investors need a business plan as a document that purenewsmag ideas and information, but they invest in a company, in a product, and in people. Small business financing myths: Venture capital is a growing opportunity for funding techbiztrends . Actually, venture capital financing is very rare. I'll explain more later, but assume that only a very few high-growth plans with high-power management teams are venture opportunities. Bank loans are the most likely option for funding a new business. Actually, banks don't finance business start-ups. I'll have more on that later, too. Banks aren't supposed to invest depositors' money in new businesses. Business plans sell investors. Actually, they don't well-written and convincing business plan (and pitch) can sell investors on your busine...

Super Six Activities to Consider for Website Maintenance

 For any online business, web of a website is crucial. It ensures that the website runs smoother and faster. The websites are vulnerable to be attacked by malware and other viral programs and thus need proper maintenance. On the other hand, they should also fulfill the requirements of the visitors browsing them without any hassle. Website maintenance consists of six main activities that you should keep in your mind while giving away the contract. There are many professional IT companies who take website maintenance contract on a yearly basis and ensure the optimal functioning of your website on the internet. Here, we'll look at all six activities in brief so that you can discuss with the company and make sure that they will work on it. 1. Website Publishing This is the most influential factor in website maintenance . It's useless to have content on the website without maintaining it. For this, you may seek a website publishing team that will take care of content contributio...